Maven Lite 1.2 – VR mode

added VR mode!

Now you can fly aboard your drone in first person immersive mode.

Gimbal Modes supported:

  • Normal (stabilized)
  • Head Tracking
  • FPV (not stabilized on the roll axis)

VR view is configurable in size, position and distance between the pupils, to adapt to practically all VR headsets.

Possibility to change point of view by selecting the drone or phone camera. (Particularly useful during takeoff and landing phases to ensure that the area is clear.)

Head-Tracking with “comfort tilt” mode that allows you to tilt the camera by 90° while only lowering your head by 60°.

Check the new manual for the VR function for all the details.

The update includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.

Maven For Android – (beta)

###24/12/2022 update Maven Lite is now available for download on Google Play

original post:

The application is in a beta stage and we are working to reach the Play Store as soon as possible.

At launch the application will have very limited functions and will then be completed with subsequent updates

The android app will be called “Maven Lite” until it is fully functional of its iOS counterpart

The first feature available at launch will be the “virtual co-pilot” and will have all the capabilities of the iOS version including, follow me, orbit me, and cable cam

The variety of android devices is so high that we can’t be sure it works on every device, and we can’t test them all, so to avoid selling you an application that might not work we decided that you can download and try the application for free.

It will be impossible to record videos from the drone while using the virtual co-pilot. Video recording will be unlocked via an in app purchase.

This is one of the last tests:

Test with Maven for Android

IMPORTANT, currently Maven for Android is NOT available for download on any store or site. Until its availability is announced on this page, any “APK” you find on the internet is in all probability a scam

### UPDATE ###

Maven Lite is now available for download on Google Play
here is the link:

Maven Lite

Maven 3.6.5 – Precision

Maven just got updated! Improvements in various aspects and parameters for missions to waypoints and more. The complete change log after this video on the update’s tasty feature, hey! also take a look on our updates road map

Maven 3.6.5 highlights

Maven 3.6.5 change log:

-Improved positioning accuracy in waypoint mission planning (and execution) :

  • now when you drag a waypoint or a POI on the screen a magnifying glass appears which shows the precise point under it
  • in the waypoint or POI details panel there is now a zoomed mini map showing the precise positioning
  • in the waypoint details you can now manually change the coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the waypoint
  • reduced the minimum distance between two consecutive waypoints to 0.5m (1.6ft) before was 3m (9.8ft)
  • minimum distance between waypoints now calculated in 3D (which means that now you can place a waypoint exactly above the previous one, changing only the altitude)
  • increased the accuracy of the drone positioning when it has to stop at a waypoint, now the position reached is considered valid only when the drone is less than 0.3m (1ft) from the coordinates of the waypoint, previously it was 1m (3ft)

-Increased the maximum speed that can be set in waypoint missions to 15m/s (before it was 10m/s) note: not all drones supported by the app can reach this speed during missions, check user manual for more details.
-Reduced the minimum speed that can be set to 0m/s (0.1m/s for virtual stick mission) before the minimum was 1m/s.

-Increased maximum radius of curvature in waypoints to 500m (1650ft), up from 30m (100ft).

-Enables the ability to manually rotate (yaw) the drone during missions with drones that perform virtual stick missions (mavic mini and air 2) (it was already possible with other drones).

-Added full support to the spark drone

-Eliminated the English manuals inside the app, they are now available online (link in the manuals section of the app)

-Added link to manuals in Serbian language (thanks Milan for the translation)

-Fixed an issue that VPG could not work properly in VR mode

-Fixed an issue that could prevent some missions from loading correctly in the drone

updates RoadMap:

Maven 3.7

  • more actions on the waypoint, this also means more types of actions and more flexibility
  • more points of interest, the number of POIs is now limited to 3 for each mission will be increased significantly
  • Import missions from Litchi, the supported format will be CVS which can be exported from the Litchi mission HUB.

Maven 3.8

  • create mission by actually flying the drone, you can fly the drone and save waypoints (with all the parameters of rotation (yaw) and inclination of the camera)
  • follow me, this much requested feature will be added as a new virtual coopilot capability

note: the road map is not law, and may be subject to change at any time at our discretion. the timing for the completion of scheduled updates is also variable based on many parameters, we want to keep the level of quality and stability of the app high so we will take the necessary time.