what is the difference between Maven and Maven Lite?
Maven is our app for iOS based devices, it was developed from 2017 till now and contains all features shown on this site.
Maven Lite is our Android version released in late December 2022
The app contains fewer features than its iOS counterpart but will be constantly updated in the coming months until it reaches full Maven functionality
Update March 2023: added VR mode
Here is the list of differences:

it might seem that Maven Lite is very limited, but still the virtual copilot allows you to perform these functions:
- POI spotlight
- GPS Follow/Track ME
- Cable Cam
- Automatic Orbit
as mentioned earlier maven lite will be updated until deserving the name maven! This page will be updated as progress progresses!
Hi guys, trying to find where to purchase Maven-Lite so I can use the video function with CoPilot – help, it says it’s “in app” but I can’t find it.
Hi, in the main screen of the app (where there is the spinning propeller.. ) you can see a button in the bottom left.. with written under “not enabled “ tab it you will able to purchase anche change it to “enabled”
The Copilot function for Android costs $5.30. Does that mean as other functions are added to the Android app there will be further purchases necessary?
Hello. I have an updated android s22 utra but when i connect my mavic mini 2 with maven the camera images freeze. I also tried with my note 10 plus but it works. what could it be with s22 ultra?
So I purchased the video option. It works on the original device, but when I try restore purchase on other devices it doesn’t apply. It’s still saying not enabled. Is there another option to try?
Will a purchase in the Lite version be carried over to the full version when it is released?
lo Acquistata provata ho spento e volato con Dji flay successivamente quando hon provato ha volare non va in ricerca ma non si connette più
Probabilmente non ha poi spento dji fly, solo una delle due deve essere aperta alla volta
I commented earlier that I had purchased the enable video option but it wasn’t enabled on one of my devices. I tried restarting the device, turning off then turning it back on……. but nothing. Going into the app section of my device it saying it is enabled, the a drop down box showed the other devices it was on. FYI-So day 3 after the purchase I tried enabling it again and it finally became enabled. So there may be a lag before it actually installs after the purchase.
Ho scaricato l app maven e ho comprato x 4,99 €la registrazione ma quando apro l app dove c’è l elica che gira non mi trova il mio dij mini 2 e se tocco lo schermata dove gira l elica va nella schermata dove si vede attraverso il drone ma e cmq disconnesso ,consigli? Grazie
Assicurati che la app dji fly sia chiusa
I have the full maven license on iOS, can I switch to Android version or I must buy another license? Thanks in advance
A new purchase will be necessary
i’ve purchased in app recording successfully. I’m trying to use it while skiing, but I’m facing a couple of issues.
1) follow me seems to be very unaccurate, it points to 3 meters from me…
2) as soon as you touch the screen the follow me is stopped. I bring the remote with the phone in a pocket, it’s very difficult to avoid touching the screen… how can I prevent it?
3) My phone (samsung A32) or the mini2 seems not having the barometer, so the follow me changing quota is not supported. What’s the problem? I Know my phone can calculate the altitude with gps, I suppose it should be possible.
Any successful test with alpine skiing so far?
Ciao . Vorrei sapere se è possibile usare app anche senza rete internet? Ho notato che senza rete non carica le mappe ..
Si posso caricare in qualche modo prima?
Per sé sono in qualche paese che non prende la rete non posso usare le funzioni automatiche
I discovered your app yesterday (Maven lite)… tested the copilot, cable cam,…
I will follow updates closely to see the android app grow !
Thanks for all the work and ideas, is it really great !
I am enjoying the copilot function and looking forward to the additional features as they become available.
How does map caching work? My controller does not have a SIM, so
offline maps is essential. I can scroll through the subject area ahead of time at home to cache the maps. However sometimes the background map appears and sometimes it does not. Is there anything to do ahead of time to make offline maps more reliable?
Great product!
Any idea when waypoints and geofencing will be added to Android version, it has been a while since we have seen any updates.
Any update upcoming? Waypoints?
Just tried the app today and have purchased the video option. Love the Copilot. Can’t change Return to Home altitude (default 20m) which could be risky in some situations. No updates for quite a while, any in development?
Are there any news regarding the android version in 2024? What is the timeline?
When will waypoint come to android?
This summer
Hallo gibt es schon eine Update Version für Android “LITE” ? Wenn ja wo finde ich die? Gruß Robo
Available now!
Merhaba ios telefon kullanırken maven satın almıştım şu anda android telefon kullanıyorum satın almam Android’de geçerli mi