Message from DJI

this morning this message appeared on the DJI developer portal, and it doesn’t sound good ..


on the one hand we are reassured that we can continue to update our apps, we have a very interesting updates roadmap with many new features for Maven and we would be really sorry to have to abandon it

on the other hand we are a little worried about the support for the new drones, we obviously think of the mini 2 or the brand new DJI FPV where according to DJI the SDK will no longer be updated for iOS until they solve the question with Apple

We have a lot of work to do to bring Maven to android, and since the problem is not related to that platform, surely this message brings priority (which we need) to that work.

I am pretty sure that two big companies like Apple and DJI will work to resolve the situation in the common interest as soon as possible ๐Ÿคž, we will keep our attention on the matter.

10 Replies to “Message from DJI”

  1. Well, that means the update for mini 2 is postponed and it’s now possible to prioritize bringing the maven Android version long awaited by the dronners community

    1. Because people are selling their Air 2’s for Air 2s, the price of used Air 2 is going down very soon. Air 2 works with Maven nicely because I have tested.

  2. I would buy it for my Android tablet and phone, and especially for my SMart Contoller and CrystalSky

    1. Me too. I used the Smart Controller and CrystalSky monitor so frequently because the brightness of my iPhone and iPad is not good enough under strong sunlight.

  3. Just wish to have a chance to use Maven on my Phantom Pro V2. Ooops! That drone’s controller has a built-in CrystalSky monitor, which means an Android version is needed. ๐Ÿ™

  4. Does the 12/29/2021 release of the SDKโ€™s by DJI signal a resolution to the โ€œApple problemsโ€ that were delaying the development of the Maven App for the mini2 and Air 2S? If so, when might it be available?

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