Maven 3.10 – Follow Me

Here the entire change log:

  • Virtual Copilot 2.0! It can now focus on you, and therefore it can do:
    • Follow Me
    • Altitude Follow
    • Track Me (follow from side)
    • Orbit Me (while following)
    • Camera frame option (middle or bottom)
    • Automatic update of the Home Point
    • up to 60km/h (37mph)
  • We recommend watching this tutorial:
Follow ME Tutorial
  • Other Virtual Copilot improvement:
    • Cable Cam Max Speed 15m/s (up from 10m/s)
    • Improved Automatic Yaw Smoothness
  • New feature for all supported drones
    • Course Lock
    • Home Lock
    • this are two Headless Mode, learn more down below

  • New option for the camera view
    • Fit to Width
    • Fit to Content
  • Grid! Now (finally) you can have a grid on the screen, turn it ON in the app settings
  • On screen Device GPS status
  • Improved AR Locator
    • now works in minimized video windows
    • now react correctly and adjusts to the optical zoom of the Mavic 2 Zoom
  • The update also include
    • Fix of minor bugs
    • UI tweaks

This update includes 2 “old” intelligent flight modes, Course Lock and Home Lock, which DJI has removed from the new drones, and which we repurpose in our app following repeated requests.
In the video that I link below it is explained what it is

15 Replies to “Maven 3.10 – Follow Me”

  1. What am I doing wrong? I have a dji mini 2 and an iPhone XS. I don’t see a picture. Can you please help me?
    Great From Munich

  2. Ciao, come stai. Sono molto soddisfatto dell’applicazione, ma volevo chiederti che l’opzione vr non funziona correttamente per me, poiché il giroscopio del mio iPhone non può spostare la fotocamera come una volta. Ho un iPhone con gli ultimi aggiornamenti e anche il mio Air 2. Potete aiutarmi a scoprire quale potrebbe essere il problema?

    1. nel aggiornamento 3.11.1 (in arrivo) abbiamo modificato anche il funzionamento del head tracking per farlo funzionare con l’Air 2S, mi faccia sapere se risolve il suo problema

  3. Salve tutto perfetto ma…..
    Come mai quando attivo il copilot non riesco ad attivare track me mi dice “ iphone gps signal too poor
    Grazie in anticipo

    1. per avviare la funzione occorre che il tuo dispositivo abbia raggiunto una precisione GPS di 10m o meno
      (l’indicatore della precisione GPS in basso a destra deve essere giallo (<10m) o verde (<5m)

  4. Mini 3 Support on the way?

    Also, I noticed that the video stutters on following an object with orbit at (10-15+ mph) on the Mini 2. Is this a limitation due to the control being done by the app/remote vs larger drones?

  5. Is there any way to add tracking for Apple Watch? So I can put controller and phone away and cycle or run and still get tracking/ follow?

    This app is awesome by the way.

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